- Plastic Surgeon
- Director of the Center for Prevention and Treatment of Melanoma
- ex Director of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery department, General Hospital of Athens, Greece “o Evangelismos”
Specialty Areas & Research Interest
Professional Experience
- Director, Athens Euroclinic, Prevention and Treatment Melanoma Center, December 2014 – today
- Director, “ o Evangelismos” General Hospital of Athens, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery department, 2011-2014
- Consultant, “ o Evangelismos” General Hospital of Athens, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery department, 1995-2011
- Trainee, “G. Gennimatas” General Hospital of Athens, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery department, 1988-1993
Trainee, “Achillopouleio” General Hospital of Volos, General Surgery department, 1985-1988 - Assistant Professor, TEI of Athens (Technological Education Institution), Faculty of Health and Caring Professions, Medical Laboratories department, 1980-1985
- National Laboratory for Histocompatibility: January 1985-November 1985
- Plastic Surgeon taking sub-specialization on Burns, University Hospital Lapeyronie, Montrellier, France, Burn Unit, 2006
Athens Medical School, Athens (1984)
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery – “G. Gennimatas” General Hospital, Athens, (1993)
- Sentinel Node surgery in Melanoma, “G. Gennimatas” General Hospital, Athens, (1999)
- Plastic Surgeon taking sub-specialization on Burns, University Hospital Lapeyronie, Montrellier, France, Burn Unit, (2006)
- European Academy of Wound Technology 2008 – 2013
- English
- French
1. « Hypophosphatemia in Burns»
Castana O., Rempelos G., Faflia Chr., Apostolou Chr., Theodori Anth., Romana C., Alexakis D. 15th MBC Meeting, Athens Greece 15-17 May 2008
2. «The use of Hickman catheter for parenteral fluid arministration in burn patients»
Ο. Castana, St. Κapiris, D. Michelakis, D. Αlexakis
7th Pan-Hellenic Congress of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Loutraki 27-29 October 2005
«Μ. Stavrakis» award of the Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society
3. «The use of cultured autologuous fibroblasts in burn wounds healing process»
Karchillaki(a), G. Topakas(a), O. Castana(b), P. Sotiriou(c), d. Michelakis(b), D. Alexakis(b), C. Giokas(a)
26th Pan-Hellenic Congress of Surgery & International Forum, Athens 12-15 November 2008
Best oral presentation award that has been presented in the Congress and published in an International Journal
4. «Post Sternotomy Hematoma and Brest Necrosis»
Ο. Castana, G. Charkiolakis, D. Αlexakis
23th Pan-Hellenic Congress of Surgery & International Forum, Athens 9-12 November 2002
Best Poster award
5. «Reconstruction of the heel shape and volume using V.A.C.: An innovative method»
Αlexakis D., Rempelos G. Kiskira O. Aggelidakis J. Konstantopoulos D., Giannakidou M., Castana Ο.
5th Pan-Hellenic Congress of Wound Healing, Athens 02-14 April 2009
Ioannovich award
6. «The use of Adipose derived Mesenchymal cells in the face rejuvenation»
Ο. Castana, Ι. Αlexaki, J. Dagdelenis, P. Κourakos, E. Castanas, D. Αlexakis 9th Pan-Hellenic Congress of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 28-31/8/2011 Kos
«Μ. Stavrakis» award of the Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society
7. «Burn estimation in a neuropathetic diabetic foot and its salvage using human derived dermal substitutes»
Castana Ο., Αnagiotos G., Rempelos G., Αggelidakis J., Κiskira O., Αpostolou Chr., Αlexakis D. 5th Pan-Hellenic Congress of Wound Healing, Athens 02-14 April 2009
Ioannovich award
8. «Comparative study of serum lactic aphydrogonase (Idh) and S100 protein with lactic acid, during the follow-up of melanoma patients»
Psachoulia Chr. 2, Κourakos P.1, Pallantzas Ath.1, Pantziou Ch.2, Fiolitakis G.1, Christodouli F.2, Ζotou Aek.1, Ioannidou S.2, Castana Ο.1
10th Pan-Hellenic Congress of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Athens 31/10-01/11 2013
Best Poster award
9. «The use of dermal substitutes in the acute phase of burn injury»
Ath. Pallantzas, N. Stampolidis, P. Kourakos, A. Zotou, V. Karameri, O. Castana 11th IQUAM Congress and Consensus Conference, 3rd IPRAS International Meeting of Plastic Surgery Trainees, Budapest, 10-13/04/2014
Best Paper Award