Current Titles
- Director, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Euroclinic Athens
- Senior Lecturer, University of Leeds, UK
- 25th President European Society of Thoracic Surgery
- Past Treasurer European Society of Thoracic Surgery
- Director Central Fund, Archdiocese of Great Britain and Thyateira
Specialty Areas
- VATS lung resections
- Extended VATS lung resections
- Pectus Repair Ravitch or Nuss
- Emphysema-EBV treatment
- Chest Wall Tumours
- Airway management including tracheal surgery and palliation
Research Interest
- VATS lung resections
- Health economics
- Medical devices and technology
- KPI for patient quality care
Professional Experience
Medical Degree
University of Crete, Heraklion medical School, July 1990
- MMED in Cardiothoracic surgery, University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa, August 1997
- MD Thesis in cardiothoracic surgery, University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa, December 1997
- Specialty in Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Athens, Greece, March 2001
- University of Leuven, Department of Thoracic surgery, Senior Fellow in lung Surgery and lung Transplantation. January 2000-December 2000, Leuven, Belgium
- Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK. Senior fellow in Thoracic Surgery January 1999-December 1999, London, UK.
- American College of Surgeons, Advanced Trauma Life Support instructor/trainer Course January 1998, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Heart Hospital, London, UK. Senior Fellow in Cardiothoracic Surgery. October 1998-December 1998, London, UK
- Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (Eundum)
- English-fluent
- Africans-moderate
- European Society of Thoracic Surgeons
- Ad Hoc Committee Audit and Clinical Excellence
- Ad Hoc Committee Clinical Guidelines
- Ad Hoc Committee Education in Thoracic Surgery
- Ad Hoc Committee Industrial Relations
- Ad Hoc Committee Technological Advancement
- Ad Hoc Committee Training in Thoracic Surgery
- Ad Hoc Committee Website & Communication
- EACTS-ESTS Partnership
- ESTS Learning Affairs Committee
- ESTS Textbook Committee
- Membership Committee
- National Societies Committee
- Thoracic Division Committee (CTh Section UEMS)
- Thoracic Journal Committee
- European Society of Thoracic Surgery Councillor (2008-2009)
- Treasurer, European Society of Thoracic Surgery (2009-2017)
- President, European Society of Thoracic Surgery (2017-2018)
- Director of External relationships (2019-2021)
- Member of the ESTS scientific Committee (2008-2021
- Member of the ESTS Annual Meeting Committee (2009-2021)
- Member of the ESTS nominating committee 2018-2023
- Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (SCTS)
- Member of Thoracic Surgery Committee
- SNOMED Member of working group of SCTS
- Royal College of Surgeons England.
College Assessor for new Appointees in Cardiothoracic
Surgery in UK
Assigned medical expert in legal cases in Thoracic surgery
and ‘fit to practice’ cases.
- Journal of Thoracic Diseases
Editor of the Journal (2015-)
- Archdiocese of Great Britain and Thyateira
- Director of Central Fund (Special Fund to support
underprivileged Christian communities and
promote/support education in children and adolescents
with provision of teachers, schools and youth clubs). - Treasurer Hellenic Community of Leeds (2010-2019)
- Councillor Hellenic Community of Leeds (2010-2019)
- Johnson and Johnson
Member of the Global Educational Council for harmonization
of surgical training
h-index 21, citations 1876, reads 18183 |
- Impact of the type of initial intervention on the outcomes of lung volume reduction for emphysema: a propensity matched study. V. Kouritas, P. Tcherveniakov, R. Milton, N. Chaudhuri, Papagiannopoulos. Annals of translational medicine. December 2022
- A risk model to predict an unplanned admission to the Intensive care Unit following lung resection. A. Brunelli, H. Begum, N. Chaudhuri, Papagiannopoulos, Y. Shargal. Eur J. Cardiothorac Surg. 2022 May 27;61(6):1232-1239
- Sawubona reprise: reflections on the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Presidential address 2022. A. Brunelli, Papagiannopoulos, G. Varela, I. Opitz. Journal of Thorac Dis. January 2022
- Prolonged air leak after segmentectomy: incidence and risk factors. M. Gooseman, A. Brunelli, N. Chaudhuri, R. Milton, P. Tcherveniakov, Papagiannopoulos, L. Valuckiene. Journal of Thoracic disease. 22- page 623.
- Eurolung risk score is associated with long-term survival after curative resection for lung cancer.A Brunelli, N Chaudhuri, M Kefaloyannis, R Milton, C Pompili, Papagiannopoulos. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 161 (3), 776-786 2021
- Poor preoperative quality of life predicts prolonged hospital stay after VATS lobectomy for lung cancer C Pompili, F McLennan Battleday, WL Chia, N Chaudhuri, E Kefaloyannis, Papagiannopoulos European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 59 (1), 116-121 2021
- Ninety-day hospital costs associated with prolonged air leak following lung resectionA Brunelli, K Chapman, C Pompili, N Chaudhuri, E Kefaloyannis, R Milton, Papagiannopoulos Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 31 (4), 507-512 2020
- A risk model to predict 2-year survival after video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery lobectomy for non-small-cell lung cancer HX Tan, BC Drake, N Chaudhuri, M Kefaloyannis, R Milton, Papagiannopoulos European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 57 (4), 781-787 2020
- Training curriculum for European thoracic surgeons: a joint initiative of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons and the European Respiratory Society G Massard, N Tabin, L Konge, AE Frick, H Batirel, A Brunelli, S Elia, Papagiannopoulos European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 57 (3), 418-421 2020
- Extended resections for the treatment of patients with T4 stage IIIA non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)(T4N0–1M0) with or without cardiopulmonary bypass: a 15-year two-center … results D Filippou, A Kleontas, V Tentzeris, C Emmanouilides, S Tryfon, S Baka, Papagiannopoulos Journal of thoracic disease 11 (12), 5489 2019
- The impact of a newly established multidisciplinary team on the interventional treatment of patients with emphysema V Kouritas, R Milton, E Kefaloyannis, K Papagiannopoulos, A Brunelli, Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine …2019
- Clinical factors affecting the survival of patients diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer and metastatic malignant pleural effusion, treated with hyperthermic intrathoracic …chemotherapy A Kleontas, A Sioga, N Pandria, N Barbetakis, A Lazopoulos, I Katsikas, Papagiannopoulos Journal of thoracic disease 11 (5), 1788 2019
- The ideal and impartial medical expert: tips and tricks for a safe medicolegal practice K Papagiannopoulos Journal of thoracic disease 11 (Suppl 7), S1009 2019
- Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery in trauma: pros and cons JV Lodhia, K Konstantinidis, K Papagiannopoulos Journal of thoracic disease 11 (4), 1662 2019
- Surgical management of multiple rib fractures/flail chest JV Lodhia, K Konstantinidis, K Papagiannopoulos Journal of thoracic disease 11 (4), 1668 2019
- Ninety-day hospital costs for anatomic lung resections A Brunelli, A Crockatt, N Chaudhuri, E Kefaloyannis, R Milton, Papagiannopoulos European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 55 (3), 440-445 2019
- Society for Translational Medicine Expert Consensus on the preoperative assessment of circulatory and cardiac functions and criteria for the assessment of risk factors in … D Liu, H Wen, J He, S Gao, S Li, L Liu, J He, Y Huang, S Xu, W Mao, … Papagiannopoulos Journal of thoracic disease 10 (9), 5545 2018
- A harmonized European training syllabus for thoracic surgery: report from the ESTS–ERS task force G Massard, N Tabin, S Mitchell, H Batirel, A Brunelli, S Elia, A Frick, Papagiannopoulos European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 54 (2), 214-220 2018
- Clinical Factors Affecting the Survival of Patients Diagnosed with NSCLC and Metastatic Malignant Pleural Effusion, Treated with Hyperthermic Intrathoracic Chemotherapy or … A Kleontas, A Sioga, N Pandria, N Barbetakis, A Lazopoulos, I Katsikas, papagiannopoulos 2018
- A harmonised European training syllabus for thoracic surgery: report from the ESTS/ERS task force group G Massard, N Tabin, S Mitchell, H Batirel, A Brunelli, S Elia, A Frick, Papagiannopoulos European Respiratory Journal 51 (6) 2018
- A diagnostic cohort study on the accuracy of 18-fluorodeoxyglucose (18FDG) positron emission tomography (PET)-CT for evaluation of malignancy in anterior mediastinal lesions …C Proli, P De Sousa, S Jordan, V Anikin, A Devaraj, SM Love, …K.Papagianopoulos BMJ open 8 (2), e019471 2018
- Multicentric evaluation of the impact of central tumour location when comparing rates of N1 upstaging in patients undergoing video-assisted and open surgery for clinical Stage …H Decaluwé, RH Petersen, A Brunelli, C Pompili, A Seguin-Givelet, L Gust, Papagiannopoulos European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 53 (2), 359-365 2018
- Nerve Sheath Tumours, Ganglion Tumours and Neurenteric Cysts K Konstantinidis, K Papagiannopoulos The Mediastinal Mass, 279-288 2018
- Esophageal Tumors K Konstantinidis, K Papagiannopoulos The Mediastinal Mass, 289-299 2018
- Uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery treatment of intra-operative complications V Tentzeris, K Papagiannopoulos Journal of visualized surgery 4 2018
- F-014MULTICENTRIC EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF CENTRAL TUMOUR LOCATION WHEN COMPARING N1 UPSTAGING BETWEEN VIDEO-ASSISTED THORACOSCOPIC SURGERY AND OPEN SURGERY FOR CLINICAL …H Decaluwe, RH Petersen, A Brunelli, C Pompili, A Seguin-Givelet, L Gust, Papagiannopoulos … Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 25 (suppl_1)2017
- P-168QUALITY EVALUATION OF PREVIOUS GUIDELINES ABOUT THE MANAGEMENT OF MALIGNANT PLEURAL EFFUSION FROM THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF THORACIC SURGEONS (ESTS) PLEURAL DISEASES WORKING …L Bertolaccini, B Bedetti, K Marinova, F Raveglia, Y Shargall, P Solli, Papagiannopoulos …Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 25 (suppl_1)2017
- P-174PLEURAL DISEASES WORKING GROUP OF EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF THORACIC SURGEONS (ESTS): UPDATE OF PROJECT AND ONGOING RESULTSL Bertolaccini, B Bedetti, G Rocco, A Brunelli, K Papagiannopoulos, …Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 25 (suppl_1)2017
- Do pleural adhesions influence the outcome of patients undergoing major lung resection? VK Kouritas, E Kefaloyannis, P Tcherveniakov, R Milton, N Chaudhuri, Papagoannopoulos...Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 25 (4), 613-619 2017
- Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2017 September; 24 (3): 127-9V TENTZERIS, K PAPAGIANNOPOULOS. Italian Journal 24;2017
- The role of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery in the first rib resection for thoracic inlet syndromeV Tentzeris, K Papagiannopoulos. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY 24 (3), 127-129 2017
- The Society for Translational Medicine: clinical practice guidelines for the postoperative management of chest tube for patients undergoing lobectomy S Gao, Z Zhang, J Aragón, A Brunelli, S Cassivi, Y Chai, C Chen, C Chen, Papagiannopoulos... Journal of thoracic disease (9), 325 534 2017
- Patient reported outcomes following video assisted thoracoscopic (VATS) resection or stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) for treatment of non-small cell lung cancer …C Pompili, KN Franks, A Brunelli, YS Hussain, P Holch, ME Callister, Papagiannopoulos…Journal of thoracic disease 9 (8), 2703 2017
- A benchmarking project on the quality of previous guidelines about the management of malignant pleural effusion from the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) Pleural … L Bertolaccini, B Bedetti, A Brunelli, K Marinova, F Raveglia, G Rocco, Papagiannopoulos…European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 52 (2), 356-362 2017
- Operating room scheduling is not associated with early outcome following elective anatomic lung resections: a propensity score case-matched analysis M Patella, K Papagiannopoulos, R Milton, N Chaudhuri, E Kefaloyannis, …European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 51 (4), 660-666 2017
- The role of BioGlue in thoracic surgery: a systematic review DI Tsilimigras, A Antonopoulou, I Ntanasis-Stathopoulos, D Patrini, … Papagiannopoulos Journal of thoracic disease 9 (3), 568 2017
- Current practices in the management of malignant pleural effusions: a survey among members of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons M Scarci, E Caruana, L Bertolaccini, B Bedetti, A Brunelli, G Varela, … Papagiannopoulos Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 24 (3), 414-417 2017
- A benchmarking project on the quality of previous guidelines about the management of malignant pleural effusion from the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) Pleural …G Varela, L Bertolaccini, B Bedetti, A Brunelli, K Marinova, F Raveglia, K. Papagiannopoulos…2017
- Open surgical approach and technique in left pneumonectomy N Kostoulas, K Papagiannopoulos Open Thoracic Surgery, 2612017
- Mediastinal lymph node dissection in open thoracic surgery N Kostoulas, K Papagiannopoulos Open Thoracic Surgery, 56 2017
- Diagnostic performance of PET-CT for anterior mediastinal lesions–the DECiMaL study C Proli, P De Sousa, S Jordan, V Anikin, SM Love, M Shackcloth, Papagiannopoulos Lung Cancer 1 (103), S19 2017
- 04-008 Diagnostic Performance of PET-CT for Anterior Mediastinal Lesions-The DECiMaL Study: Topic: Thymic Malignancies Clinical and Translational C Proli, P De Sousa, S Jordan, V Anikin, S Love, M Shackcloth, K. Papagiannopoulos… Journal of Thoracic Oncology 12 (1), S1001-S10022017
- Totally endoscopic (VATS) first rib resection for thoracic outlet syndrome RS George, R Milton, N Chaudhuri, E Kefaloyannis, K Papagiannopoulos The Annals of thoracic surgery 103 (1), 241-245 2017
- Performance of wider parenchymal lung resection than preoperatively planned in patients with low preoperative lung function performance undergoing video-assisted thoracic … VK Kouritas, E Kefaloyannis, R Milton, N Chaudhuri, K Papagiannopoulos, … Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 23 (6), 889-894 2016
- Management of bronchial carcinoids: international practice survey among the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons PL Filosso, F Guerrera, P Thomas, A Brunelli, E Lim, M Garcia-Yuste, Papagiannopoulos… Future Oncology 12 (17), 1985-1999 2016
- Outcome after video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and open pulmonary lobectomy in patients with low VO2 max: a case-matched analysis from the ESTS database SSS Begum, K Papagiannopoulos, PE Falcoz, H Decaluwe, M Salati, … European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 49 (4), 1054-1058 2016
- Real-time monitoring of a video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery lobectomy programme using a specific cardiopulmonary complications risk-adjusted control chart M Patella, A Sandri, C Pompili, K Papagiannopoulos, R Milton, … European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 49 (4), 1070-107 2016
- Advances in chest drain management in thoracic disease RS George, K Papagiannopoulos Journal of thoracic disease 8 (Suppl 1), S55 2016
- High-risk patients and postoperative complications following video-assisted thoracic surgery lobectomy: a case-matched comparison with lower-risk counterparts A Sandri, K Papagiannopoulos, R Milton, N Chaudhuri, E Kefaloyannis, … Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 21 (6), 761-765 2015
- Synchronous pulmonary Cryptococcus and carcinoid tumor in Cushing’s syndrome: A diagnostic challenge A Barua, P Govewalla, E Kefaloyannis, R Ramnath, K Papagiannopoulos
Edorium Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, 4-72015
- Major intraoperative complications during video-assisted thoracoscopic anatomical lung resections: an intention-to-treat analysis H Decaluwe, RH Petersen, H Hansen, C Piwkowski, F Augustin, Papagiannopoulos… European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 48 (4), 588-599 2015
- A risk-adjusted financial model to estimate the cost of a video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery lobectomy programme A Brunelli, V Tentzeris, A Sandri, A McKenna, SL Liew, R Milton ,K. Papagiannopoulos …European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 49 (5), 1492-149672015
- Prognostic model of survival for typical bronchial carcinoid tumours: analysis of 1109 patients on behalf of the European Association of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) Neuroendocrine …PL Filosso, F Guerrera, A Evangelista, S Welter, P Thomas, PM Casado, Papagiannopoulos ..European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 48 (3), 441-447 2015
- F-147 SAFETY, REPRODUCIBILITY AND BENEFIT OF VIRTUAL-ASSISTED LUNG MAPPING IN THORACOSCOPIC SUBLOBAR LUNG RESECTION: A MULTI-CENTRE STUDY IN JAPAN M Sato, K Imashimizu, T Kuwata, K Yamanashi, K Misawa, M Kobayashi, K. Papagiannopoulos …Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 21 (suppl_1), S41-S412015
- P-186 POSITIVE IMPACT OF AN ENDOBRONCHIAL VALVE PROGRAMME AND DEDICATED MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM ON RATES OF LUNG VOLUME REDUCTION SURGERY P Tcherveniakov, C Bogdan, M Kefaloyannis, A Brunelli, R Milton, Papagiannopoulos … Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 21 (suppl_1), S51-S512015
- P-268 A PREDICTION MODEL OF PLEURAL DRAINAGE BASED ON ELECTRONIC CONTINUOUS FLUID MEASUREMENT R Hristova, C Pompili, K Papagiannopoulos, R Milton, N Chaudhuri, …Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 21 (suppl_1), S72-S732015
- O-137 REGULATED DRAINAGE REDUCES THE INCIDENCE OF RECURRENCE AFTER UNIPORTAL VIDEO-ASSISTED THORACOSCOPIC BULLECTOMY FOR PRIMARY SPONTANEOUS PNEUMOTHORAX: A PROPENSITY CASE …C Pompili, R Hristova, F Xiumè, M Patella, R Milton, M Salati, A Sandri, Papagiannopoulos … Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 21 (suppl_1), S38-S382015
- Major morbidity after video-assisted thoracic surgery lung resections: a comparison between the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons definition and the Thoracic Morbidity and … A Sandri, K Papagiannopoulos, R Milton, E Kefaloyannis, N Chaudhuri, … Journal of thoracic disease 7 (7), 117 2015
- An aggregate score to predict the risk of large pleural effusion after pulmonary lobectomy R Hristova, C Pompili, S Begum, M Salati, M Kefaloyannis, V Tentzeris ,K. Papagiannopoulos …European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 48 (1), 72-76 2015
- Vacuum-Assisted Closure for Complicated Reconstructions RS George, K Papagiannopoulos Current Surgery Reports 3 (5), 1-7 2015
- Pneumomediastinum VK Kouritas, K Papagiannopoulos, G Lazaridis, S Baka, I Mpoukovinas, … Journal of thoracic disease 7 (Suppl 1), S44 2015
- O-009OUTCOME AFTER VIDEO-ASSISTED THORACOSCOPIC SURGERY AND OPEN PULMONARY LOBECTOMY IN PATIENTS WITH LOW VO2 MAX: A CASE MATCHED ANALYSIS FROM THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF THORACIC … S Sheikh Sofina Begum, K Papagiannopoulos, PE Falcoz, H Decaluwé, …Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 21 (suppl_1), S3-S32015
- F-039REAL TIME MONITORING OF A VIDEO-ASSISTED THORACOSCOPIC SURGERY LOBECTOMY PROGRAMME USING A SPECIFIC CARDIOPULMONARY COMPLICATIONS RISK-ADJUSTED CONTROL CHART M Patella, A Sandri, K Papagiannopoulos, R Milton, N Chaudhuri, … Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 21 (suppl_1), S11-S112015
- F-146HIGH RISK PATIENTS AND POSTOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS FOLLOWING VIDEO-ASSISTED THORACOSCOPIC LOBECTOMY: A CASE MATCHED COMPARISON WITH LOWER RISK COUNTERPARTS A Sandri, K Papagiannopoulos, R Milton, N Chaudhuri, M Kefaloyannis, …Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 21 (suppl_1), S41-S412015
- Analysis of the most common major intraoperative complications during video assisted thoracoscopic surgery anatomical resections. H Decaluwé, RH Petersen, HJ Hansen, C Piwkowski, F Augustin, K. Papagiannopoulos … Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 21 (suppl_1), S1-S22015
- F-148RISK ADJUSTED FINANCIAL MODEL TO ESTIMATE THE COST OF A VIDEO-ASSISTED THORACOSCOPIC LOBECTOMY PROGRAMMEV Tentzeris, A Sandri, P Drosos, C Pompili, K Papagiannopoulos, …Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 21 (suppl_1), S41-S412015
- Novel technique in managing bronchobiliary fistula in adults: Endobronchial embolization using silicone spigots in 2 cases K Kostopanagiotou, RS George, E Kefaloyannis, K Papagiannopoulos Annals of thoracic medicine 10 (1), 67 2015
- Knowledge of pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors: where are we now? PL Filosso, H Asamura, A Brunelli, M Garcia-Yuste, E Lim, Papagiannopoulos… Thoracic surgery clinics 24 (3), ix-xii 2014
- Multicenter international randomized comparison of objective and subjective outcomes between electronic and traditional chest drainage systems C Pompili, F Detterbeck, K Papagiannopoulos, A Sihoe, K Vachlas, …The Annals of thoracic surgery 98 (2), 490-497 2014
- 4P-206 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY. A NOVEL ADJUNCT IN THE TREATMENT OF POSTOPERATIVE SEVERE SURGICAL EMPHYSEMAR Hristova, C Bogdan, K Kostopanagiotou, K Vachlas, E Kefaloyannis ,K. Papagiannopoulos …Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 18 (suppl_1), S54-S5412014
- P-231 INTERCOSTAL ARTERY ANEURYSM AFTER THORACOTOMY: A DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS PROBLEM K Kostopanagiotou, K Vachlas, K Papagiannopoulos Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 18 (suppl_1), S60-S60201
- VATS anatomic lung resections—the European experience S Begum, HJ Hansen, K Papagiannopoulos Journal of Thoracic Disease 6 (Suppl 2), S203 2014
- European guidelines on structure and qualification of general thoracic surgery A Brunelli, PE Falcoz, Panel:, T D’Amico, H Hansen, E Lim, G Massard, K. Papagiannopoulos … European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 45 (5), 779-786 2014
- The expanded role of extracellular matrix patch in malignant and non-malignant chest wall reconstruction in thoracic surgery RS George, K Kostopanagiotou, K PapagiannopoulosInteractive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 18 (3), 335-339 2014
- European guidelines on structure and qualification of general thoracic surgery P Falcoz, T D’Amico, H Hansen, E Lim, G Massard, T Rice, G Rocco, Papagiannopoulos…2014
- An integrated inspection of the somatic mutations in a lung squamous cell carcinoma using next-generation sequencingLF Stead, P Egan, A Devery, C Conway, C Daly, S Berri, H Wood, Papagiannopoulos ..PloS one 8 (11), e78823 2013
- P-180DOES THE USE OF A SYNTHETIC SEALANT CATER FOR INTRAOPERATIVE AIR-LEAKS FOLLOWING LUNG RESECTIONS IN ALL PATIENTS? A SINGLE CENTRE PROSPECTIVE STUDYK Kostopanagiotou, K Papagiannopoulos Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 17 (suppl_1), S1-S622013
- F-027RISK GROUP ANALYSIS FOR PROLONGED AIR LEAK FOLLOWING SURGERY FOR PRIMARY SPONTANEOUS PNEUMOTHORAX: IS PREOPERATIVE USE OF CANNABIS A PREDISPOSING FACTOR? R Hristova, K Kostopanagiotou, N Chaudhuri, K Papagiannopoulos Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 17 (suppl_1), S1-S6 2013
- P-160IS UK STILL IN THE EUROZONE? VALIDATING AN OFF-THE-SHELF RISK SCORING SYSTEM: A PROSPECTIVE AUDIT SA Khawaja, R Hristova, A Thorpe, E Kefaloyannis, R Milton, Papagiannopoulos …Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 17 (suppl_1), S1-S6 2013
- The use of vacuum-assisted wound closure therapy in thoracic operations SSS Begum, K Papagiannopoulos The Annals of thoracic surgery 94 (6), 1835-1840 2012
- The transcriptional consequences of somatic amplifications, deletions, and rearrangements in a human lung squamous cell carcinomaLF Stead, S Berri, HM Wood, P Egan, C Conway, C Daly, … Neoplasia 14 (11), 1075-IN16 2012
- Ward-based, nurse-led, outpatient chest tube management: analysis of impact, cost-effectiveness and patient safety P Tcherveniakov, J De Siqueira, R Milton, K Papagiannopoulos
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery 41 (6), 1353-1356 2012
- A computational index derived from whole-genome copy number analysis is a novel tool for prognosis in early stage lung squamous cell carcinoma Belvedere, S Berri, R Chalkley, C Conway, F Barbone, F Pisa, K. Papagiannopoulos… Genomics 99 (1), 18-24 2012
- Using next-generation sequencing for high resolution multiplex analysis of copy number variation from nanogram quantities of DNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens HM Wood, O Belvedere, C Conway, C Daly, R Chalkley, M Bickerdike, Papagiannopoulos…Nucleic acids research 38 (14), e151-e151 2010
- Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications of Video-Assisted Mediastinoscopy P Tcherveniakov, E Svennevik, R Milton, K Papagiannopoulos Clinical Pulmonary Medicine 17 (4), 177-18322010
- Malignant pleural effusion in the presence of trapped lung. Five-year experience of PleurX tunnelled catheters CA Efthymiou, T Masudi, JA Charles Thorpe, K PapagiannopoulosInteractive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery 9 (6), 961-964 2009
- Identifying the challenges in establishing a lung cancer tissue repository for translational research: a single institution experience Belvedere, N Chaudhuri, A Thorpe, R Milton, L Davidson, C McKinley, Papagiannopoulos… EJC Supplements 2 (7), 119-120 2009
- Gastrointestinal stromal tumor masquerading as a lung neoplasm. A case presentation and literature review S Papaspyros, K Papagiannopoulos Journal of cardiothoracic surgery 3 (1), 1-4 2008
- Pleural myxoid liposarcoma: features of 2 cases and associated literature review P Goldsmith, K PapagiannopoulosJournal of cardiothoracic surgery 2 (1), 1-3 2007
- Video-assisted mediastinoscopy (VAM) for surgical resection of ectopic parathyroid adenoma P Tcherveniakov, A Menon, R Milton, K Papagiannopoulos, M Lansdown, …Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2 (1), 1-3 2007
- The value of video-assisted mediastinoscopy in pulmonary metastasectomy A Menon, R Milton, JAC Thorpe, K Papagiannopoulos
- European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery 32 (2), 351-355262007CLC003 POSTER Gastrointestinal stromal tumor masquearading as a pleuropulmonary neoplasm K Papagiannopoulos, S Papaspyros Lung Cancer, S32007
- The pleurx drain in the management of malignant pleural effusions; an update of the clinical experience, and refinement of the insertion technique K Papagiannopoulos Lung Cancer, S32007
- CLC016 ORAL Video-assisted Mediastinoscopy. Impact on surgical training K Papagiannopoulos Lung Cancer, S62007
- Impact of PET scans in lung cancer surgery: Leeds UK experience K Papagiannopoulos Lung Cancer, S5 2007
- Pleural myxoid liposarcoma-a rare entity. Features of 2 cases and associated literature review K Papagiannopoulos, P Goldsmith Lung Cancer, S32007
- Suspected lung cancer with negative CT guided needle biopsy and positive PET scan followed by radical lobectomy with no cancer evidence in final histology …K Papagiannopoulos Lung Cancer, S5-S6 2007
- Combined severe pectus excavatum correction and aortic root replacement in Marfan’s syndrome KC Javangula, TJP Batchelor, O Jaber, KG Watterson, Papagiannopoulos The Annals of thoracic surgery 81 (5), 1913-1915 2006
- Successful treatment of a posttraumatic pulmonary artery pseudoaneurysm with coil embolizationI Dimarakis, JAC Thorpe, K Papagiannopoulos The Annals of thoracic surgery 79 (6), 2134-2136 2005
- Simultaneous double video mediastinoscopy and video mediastinotomy—a step forward S Karthik, R Milton, K Papagiannopoulos European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery 27 (5), 920-922 2005
- Lymphangiomatosis Possibly With Gorham’s Disease and Not Lymphangioma: Reply K Papagiannopoulos, D Van Raemdonck, K De Boeck, T Lerut The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 79 (3), 11002005
- Solitay sternal Plasmocytoma: A case report and current Review I Dimarakis, JAC Thorpe, K Papagiannopoulos The Internet Journal Thoracic and Cardiov Surg 7 (1) 2005
- Delayed localised subcutaneous emphysema following sternal repair S Kumar, H Slim, K Papagiannopoulos, JAC Thorpe European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery 26 (1), 214-2142004
- A cautionary note about congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) type 4 F MacSweeney, K Papagiannopoulos, P Goldstraw, MN Sheppard, … The American Journal of Surgical Pathology 28 (4), 55552004
- Pediatric thoracic lymphangiomatosis: is chest wall resection too radical? K Papagiannopoulos, DEM Van Raemdonck, K De Boeck, T Lerut The Annals of thoracic surgery 77 (2), 695-697222004
- Staged pulmonary and hepatic metastasectomy in colorectal cancer—is it worth it? RHV Reddy, B Kumar, R Shah, S Mirsadraee, K Papagiannopoulos, … European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery 25 (2), 151-154 2004
- Empyema resulting from a true colopleural fistula complicating a perforated sigmoid diverticulum K Papagiannopoulos, D Gialvalis, I Dodo, MJ Darby The Annals of thoracic surgery 77 (1), 324-326 2004
- Giant thymoma S Agarwala, E Millward, K Papagiannopoulos European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery 24 (6), 1029-1029 2003
- An assessment of the expanded classification of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformations and their relationship to malignant transformation F MacSweeney, K Papagiannopoulos, P Goldstraw, MN Sheppard, … The American journal of surgical pathology 27 (8), 1139-1146 2003
- Cystic lung lesions in the pediatric and adult population: surgical experience at the Brompton Hospital K Papagiannopoulos, S Hughes, AG Nicholson, P Goldstraw The Annals of thoracic surgery 73 (5), 1594-1598 2002
- Pleuropulmonary blastoma: is prophylactic resection of congenital lung cysts effective? KA Papagiannopoulos, M Sheppard, AP Bush, P Goldstraw The Annals of thoracic surgery 72 (2), 604-605 2001
- Does laparoscopic Heller’s myotomy have a place in the treatment of achalasia? Initial experience with 25 patients A Lerut, K Papagiannopoulos, D Van Raemdonck, W Coosemans, … Acta Gastroenterol Belg 64 (1)2001
- Thymic hemangioma presenting with recurrent pleural effusion K Papagiannopoulos, MN Sheppard, P Goldstraw The Annals of thoracic surgery 70 (1), 297-299 2000
- Current evaluation of cardiac stab wounds DG Harris, KA Papagiannopoulos, J Pretorius, T Van Rooyen, … The Annals of thoracic surgery 68 (6), 2119-2122 1999
- Surgical management of airway obstruction in primary tuberculosis in children KA Papagiannopoulos, AG Linegar, DG Harris, GJ Rossouw The Annals of thoracic surgery 68 (4), 1182-1186 1999
- J Thorac Dis. 2015; 7 (Suppl 1): S44-S49 VK Kouritas, K Papagiannopoulos, G Lazaridis, S Baka, I Mpoukovinas, …
- 10Erratum to:‘Ninety-day hospital costs for anatomic lung resections’[Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2018 A Brunelli, A Crockatt, N Chaudhuri, E Kefaloyannis, R Milton, Papagiannopoulos … European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
- Papagiannopoulos K.. Management of posterior mediastinal tumors. In: ESTS textbook of thoracic Surgery. Kuzdal J et al. (eds). Medycyna Praktyczna.
- Papagiannopoulos K.. Totally Thoracoscopic resection of first rib. In: ESTS textbook of thoracic Surgery. Kuzdal J et al. (eds). Medycyna Praktyczna.
- Papagiannopoulos k. Vacuum assisted closure for complicated reconstructions. Current Surgery reports. March 2015. Springer/
- Kouritas V., Papagiannopoulos K. Absorption of gasses within the pleural space. Shields Textbook of Thoracic Surgery. Eight Edition. Page 712.
- Konstantinidis K., Papagiannopoulos K. Nerve sheath tumors, ganglion tumors and Neurenteric Tumors. Pages 279-288. The mediastinal mass; a multidisciplinary approach. F Renato.
- Konstantinidis K., Papagiannopoulos K. Esophageal tumors. Pages 289-299. The mediastinal mass; a multidisciplinary approach. F Renato.
- Tentzeris V., Papagiannopoulos K. Video assisted Thoracoscopic first rib resection. Sugarbaker’s Adult chest surgery. Third edition. 2019
- Cardiothoracic Surgery Network– CTSNET
- European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery -EACTS
- European Society of Thoracic Surgeons -ESTS
- Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain and Ireland -SCTS
- The Society of Thoracic Surgeons -STS
- Hellenic Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery
- South African Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery.
- and capturing data for research and development.
This collaboration lead to BBH (BRINGING BEST HEALTHCARE) awards in London in 2012, a cost benefit for the Trust with provision of medical devices and consumables for free and a 50k grant from the company as an unrestricted fund for research fellowships. - Board Director of Tissue Bank. Collaboration with Leeds Institute of Molecular Biology and Bradford Institute of Therapeutics. Provision of tissue samples and organization of Bio bank for basic cancer research. Board Director since 2010
- PGGO1 study for early detection of lung cancer: Co-investigator (1.2million grant)- (1 international presentation, 4 publications)
- Carinal biopsy in detection of early lung cancer-project approved-50k-co investigator-completed 2014-one publication
- Thopaz pump study: Evaluation of air leaks post-surgery: multi center trial (Leeds-Ancona-Hong Kong-Yale University). randomized trial of 400 patients. 50k- co investigator. study completed. Presentation STS annual conference 2014 and publication Annals of Thoracic Surgery
- TP3: Use of novel lung sealant to reduce air leaks post-surgery and hospital stay: £10k and purchase of additional equipment funded from the company. Completed, results presented Essen-ESTS May 2012
- Fibrin pad study: Principal investigator-multinational trial (60 centers); evaluate a new hemostat in surgery; Commercial trial. Completed September 2011. 10k benefit
- MesoVats trial: A multicenter trial for cyto reductive treatment of Mesothelioma. National level. Ongoing
- ABLE trial; use of pre-operative chemotherapy for ‘preconditioning’; commercial study (300k), multicenter with Leeds as leading Institution; co-investigator.
- BIOS trial: Use of Hemostats in Thoracic Surgery. Multicenter trial. International level. PI. Trial completed 2020
- Annals of Thoracic Surgery
- European Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular surgery
- Injury
- Journal of Thoracic Diseases. Editorial board
- A clinicopathologic study of 12 neuroendocrine tumours arising in the thymus. K. Papagiannopoulos. Presented at the Annual meeting of the French Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery in Paris, France, December 1999.
- Cystic lung lesions in adult and paediatric population: the Brompton experience Presented at the ESTS meeting, November 1-3, London, 2000.
- Double videomediastinoscopy and mediastinotomy; the way forward. Invited lecture, Leipzig, October 2004, EACTS meeting
- The Thopaz experience in Thoracic patients. Invited lecture STS meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2009
- Thoracoscopic management of AF by Thoracic Surgeons. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery, élan Court, Paris, 8-9 October, 2009.
- Advances in Thoracic Surgery. Surgical management of cystic adenomatoid malformations. Brompton Hospital. November 2009, London, UK
- VATS lobectomy masterclass. Course director. Sharjah Surgical Institute. University of Sharjah, UAE, March 2016.
- Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery 14-18 March 2012, Antalya, Turkey. Invited lecturer and course organizer.
- Surgery for pneumothorax. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery 14-18 March 2012, Antalya, Turkey. Invited lecturer and course organizer.
- Management of paraneumonic and postoperative empyema. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery 14-18 March 2012, Antalya, Turkey. Invited lecturer and course organizer.
- Management of malignant pleural mesothelioma. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery 14-18 March 2012, Antalya, Turkey. Invited lecturer and course organizer.
- Management of malignant pleural effusions. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery 14-18 March 2012, Antalya, Turkey. Invited lecturer and course organizer.
- Tracheal tumors and principles of surgery. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery 14-18 March 2012, Antalya, Turkey. Invited lecturer and course organizer.
- Palliation of airway disease- stents and other techniques. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery 14-18 March 2012, Antalya, Turkey. Invited lecturer and course organizer.
- Chest wall tumors and operative principles of resection and reconstruction. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery 13-17 March 2013, Antalya, Turkey. Invited lecturer and course organizer.
- Principles of tracheal surgery. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery 13-17 March 2013, Antalya, Turkey. Invited lecturer and course organizer.
- Palliation of airway diseases. Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery 13-17 March 2013, Antalya, Turkey. Invited lecturer and course organizer.
- Oesophageal and diaphragmatic trauma. Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery 13-17 March 2013, Antalya, Turkey. Invited lecturer and course organizer.
- How to start a VATS lobectomy program. VATS lobectomy master class course, European Surgical Institute, 13-14 June 2013. Course organizer.
- Managing complications during a VATS lobectomy. VATS lobectomy master class course, European Surgical Institute, 13-14 June 2013. Course organizer.
- How to start a VATS lobectomy program. VATS lobectomy master class course, European Surgical Institute, 12-13 September 2013. Course organizer.
- Theoretical principles of minimally invasive operating techniques for VATS lobectomy. VATS lobectomy master class course, European Surgical Institute, 12-13 September 2013. Course organizer.
- Managing postoperative pain in Thoracic Surgery. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery, Krasnodar, Russia, 3-4 October 2013. Invited lecturer
- Endoscopic management of airway disease. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery, Krasnodar, Russia, 3-4 October 2013. Invited lecturer
- Management of inoperable oesophageal cancer. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery, Krasnodar, Russia, 3-4 October 2013. Invited lecturer
- Managing complications during VATS lobectomy. Thoracic Symposium ‘overcoming challenges in Thoracic Surgery’. Birmingham UK. 21-22 October 2013
- Recommendations for peri operative care. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery, Krasnodar, Russia, 5-6 October 2012. Invited lecturer
- Bronchoscopic treatment of emphysema. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery, Krasnodar, Russia, 5-6 October 2012. Invited lecturer
- VATS lobectomy. New technique or alternative? Invited lecture, Thessaloniki, Greece, 5th December 2007.
- Oesophageal surgery. International trends. Invited lecturer, Pan Hellenic conference, Athens, Greece, 27th November 2014.
- Chest trauma overview. Symposium on poly trauma management beyond ATLS. 7-8 January 2013, Leeds, UK. Invited lecturer
- Management of Thoracic Injuries. Symposium on Trauma, May 2007, Brighton, UK. Invited lecturer
- Management of complicated post surgical infected pleural space. Thoracic BALTIC MEETING, Poland, September 2011.
- Management of Broncho pleural fistulas. Thoracic BALTIC MEETING, Poland, September 2011.
- Lung cancer and surgical staging. SCTS Birmingham review course, October 2007.
- Rib fixation in Thoracic trauma. Advances in Thoracic Surgery, Blackpool, June 2014
- Chest wall deformities. Current status for surgical repair. Pan Hellenic conference in Cardio thoracic surgery. Athens, 19 December 2008
- Addressing problematic air leaks in Thoracic surgery: conventional approaches. 22nd European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-18 June 2014
- Endobronchial valves for emphysema and patient selection. Pan Hellenic conference in Cardio thoracic surgery, Athens, Greece, November 2014
- Endoscopic anatomy. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery. Skill track. Istanbul Turkey, 15-16 February 2016
- Airway management. Endoscopic tools and standard equipment’s. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery. Skill track. Istanbul Turkey, 15-16 February 2016
- What I should know about laser and other technologies. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery. Skill track. Istanbul Turkey, 15-16 February 2016.
- Indications for endoscopic curative resection. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery. Skill track. Istanbul Turkey, 15-16 February 2016.
- What should a surgeon know about stents and endo prosthesis. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery. Skill track. Istanbul Turkey, 15-16 February 2016
- Tips and tricks for tumor debulking and stent insertion. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery. Skill track. Istanbul Turkey, 15-16 February 2016
- Bronchial sleeve resections with and without pneumonectomy. ESTS school of Thoracic Surgery. Skill track. Istanbul Turkey, 15-16 February 2016
- Basic principles of chest wall reconstruction. ESTS school of Thoracic surgery. Chest wall surgery. European surgical Institute, Hamburg, Germany, 4-6 November, 2016
- How to perform a lateral chest wall resection. ESTS school of Thoracic surgery. Chest wall surgery. European surgical Institute, Hamburg, Germany, 4-6 November, 2016
- Chest wall trauma. Operative techniques. ESTS school of Thoracic surgery. Chest wall surgery. European surgical Institute, Hamburg, Germany, 4-6 November, 2016
- Chest wall deformities. Operative techniques. ESTS school of Thoracic surgery. Chest wall surgery. European surgical Institute, Hamburg, Germany, 4-6 November, 2016
- Modern management of emphysema: technical considerations. Invited lecture. Cardiff, October 2012
- Management of oesophageal injuries. Third Russian-European Educational Symposium on General Thoracic Surgery, Kazan, Russia, 27febraury- 01 March 2014.
- Management of mediastinal neurogenic tumors. Third Russian-European Educational Symposium on General Thoracic Surgery, Kazan, Russia, 27 February- 01 March 2014.
- Mediastinal staging: technical considerations. Third Russian-European Educational Symposium on General Thoracic Surgery, Kazan, Russia, 27 February- 01 March 2014.
- Management of Cardiac injuries. Third Russian-European Educational Symposium on General Thoracic Surgery, Kazan, Russia, 27 February- 01 March 2014.
- Thoracoscopic techniques in the management of lung pathology. Hellenic conference at Messinia, Kalamata, February 2015
- How I do it- start to finish VATS lobectomy. Second CEE Thoracic Symposium, Prague, 24-25 June 2015.
- Radiological evaluation of Thoracic Trauma. Management of Thoracic Trauma and Deformities instructional course, 13-14 April, Kiel, Germany, 2015. Invited lecturer.
- Chest wall tumors, resection and reconstruction. Management of Thoracic Trauma and Deformities instructional course, 13-14 April, Kiel, Germany, 2015. Invited lecturer.
- Benefits of rib fracture management. Management of Thoracic Trauma and Deformities instructional course, 13-14 April, Kiel, Germany, 2015. Invited lecturer.
- The role of advanced energy in Thoracic Surgery. Second CEE Thoracic Symposium, Prague, 24-25 June 2015.
- Technology enhanced recovery in Thoracic Surgery: staplers, buttresses and sealants. World conference of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 19-22 September 2015, Edinburgh, UK.
- Digital drains are the future. 80th SCTS Annual meeting, 13-15 March 2016, Birmingham, UK.
- Is mediastinoscopy obsolete. World conference of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 September 2016.
- What is new in the management of thymoma. World conference of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 September 2016.
- Pleuropulmonary sepsis management. The UK perspective. World conference of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 September 2016.
- Pitfalls in VATS lobectomy. World conference of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 September 2016.
- Setting up a VATS lobectomy program. The Leeds experience. World conference of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 September 2016.
- Intuitive robotic training for Thoracic Surgeons; Brussels, Belgium, 27-28 September 2016
- UK LVR Academy training, London, UK 21 October 2016: New tools and technology in the management of emphysema. Invited lecture
- 1st International meeting on mesothelioma, Thessaloniki, Greece, 22 October 2016: Extra pleural pneumonectomies’ in the management of mesothelioma. Invited lecturer.
- ESTS course in management of chest wall pathology, Hamburg, Germany, 09-11 November 2016. Faculty member and course Director.
- International leadership and management program 24-25 November 2016, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK.
- Prostheses and adjuncts in chest wall surgery: SCTS annual conference, Belfast, Ireland, March 2017.
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 13-18 March 2017: Thoracic visceral injuries
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 13-18 March 2017: Basic principles of chest wall reconstruction
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 13-18 March 2017: chest wall tumors
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 13-18 March 2017: classification of chest wall deformities and pre-operative work up
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 13-18 March 2017: diagnosis of mediastinal lymph nodal disease
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 13-18 March 2017: esophageal injuries
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 13-18 March 2017: surgical anatomy of major airways
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 13-18 March 2017: management of inflammatory diseases of the trachea
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 13-18 March 2017: palliation in airway stenosis
- ESTS VATS course in Copenhagen 19-20 April 2017: Invasive mediastinal staging
- ESTS VATS course in Copenhagen 19-20 April 2017: VATS and future directions
- SATS symposium Cape Town, South Africa 22-25 August 2018: VATS application in mediastinal disease.
- SATS symposium Cape Town, South Africa 22-25 August 2018: management of complications following VATS surgery
- SATS symposium Cape Town, South Africa 22-25 August 2018: Robotics in Thoracic surgery. Current and future applications
- Global lung health Summit, Tucson, Arizona, 17-19 February 2018: Robotics in the management of lung cancer; current and future applications.
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 19-24 March 2018: chest wall tumors
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 19-24 March 2018: principles of chest wall reconstruction
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 19-24 March 2018: management of chest wall trauma
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 19-24 March 2018: management of thoracic outlet syndrome
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 19-24 March 2018: congenital abnormalities of the chest wall
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 19-24 March 2018: management of congenital abnormalities of the chest wall
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 11-16 March 2019: Chest wall tumors.
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 11-16 March 2019: Prostheses and adjuncts in chest wall surgery.
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 11-16 March 2019: Thoracic outlet syndrome.
- ESTS theoretical course Prague 11-16 March 2019: Thoracic visceral injuries.
- VATS lobectomy course. Managing complications. 28-29 April 2019. Faculty and lecturer.
- VATS lobectomy course, Hamburg, Germany. 13-14 May 2019. Invited lecturer and faculty member.
- Global Education Council meeting, New York, USA. 15-17 May 2019. Full course with virtual technology and. Think tank sessions. Invited lecturer and faculty
- Chest wall course, ESTS, Hamburg, Germany. 25-27 September 2019. Invited lecturer and faculty on pectus deformities and chest wall reconstructions.
- VATS expert course in lobectomies. 5-6 December 2019. Invited faculty and lecturer as well as proctor at the lab.
- VATS complications masterclass course, Hamburg Germany. 4-5 February 2020. Invited lecturer and faculty.
- VATS complications master class course, virtual. 15 September 2020.
- VATS and lymphadenectomy course, virtual, 2 part training series. Invited faculty and lecturer.
- VATS beginner’s course, virtual. 28 September 2020. Invited faculty and lecturer.
- J&J Faculty program, virtual. 27 October 2020. Conversations and group coaching on adulkt learning principles and instructional design. Invited lecturer
- J&J Faculty program, virtual 6 November 2020. Conversations and group coaching on adulkt learning principles and instructional design. Invited lecturer
- VATS complications masterclass, virtual meeting. 1 December 2020. Invited lecturer and faculty.
- ESTS school, virtual meeting. 25-26 March 2021. Invited lecturer and faculty
- &J VATS course, virtual. 4 March 2021. Invited lecturer
- &J VATS segmentectomy course. 5 March 2021. Invited lecturer.
- J&J VATS Lymphadenectomy course, virtual meeting. 18-19 March 2021. Invited lecturer and faculty
- J&J wound site infections course, virtual. 25 March 2021. Invited lecturer
- J&J VATS complication management course. 29 April 2021. Invited lecturer and faculty.
- J&J VATS complication management course. 14 May 2021. Invited lecturer and faculty.
- ESTS-8TH International Symposium in Thoracic Oncology. 5-6 November 2021. Invited speaker. Prognostic factors for surgically treated thymoma and thymic carcinoma.
- J&J wet lab, anterior cervical approach for Neurosurgeons. 12-13 May 2022. Invited faculty and wet lab instructor.
1000+ medical reports
Complex negligence cases as a KOL in chest trauma, lung cancer management, minimally invasive chest surgery (VATS), pectus deformity repairs, management of emphysema and management of airway.
Cross examined both at Coroner’s Court (7 times) and Crown Court (2 times).
Relevant Courses attended:
a. Introduction to the media, Leeds, January 2002;
b. Delivering effective presentations, Leeds, February 2002;
c. Voice and the presenter, Leeds, February 2002;
d. Refreshing lecturing and presenting, Leeds, June 2002;
e. Excellence in Medical report writing- Bond Solon, 2003;
f. Expert witness and medical report writing workshop, Leeds, November 2003;
g. Cardiff University Bond Solon expert witness certificate 2004.
- Department of Thoracic Surgery
Athens Euroclinic
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