Medical doctor, Biopathologist -Microbiologist
General Supervisor of Euroclinic Diagnostic Laboratories
- General Supervisor of Euroclinic Diagnostic Laboratories
- Member of Hellenic Microbiological Society
- Member of European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Specialty Areas
Clinical Microbiology-Biopathology
Professional Experience
- General Supervisor of Euroclinic Diagnostic Laboratories , Athens Greece, 2020 – present
- Consultant Biopathologist at Euroclinic Hospital, Athens Greece,2005-2020
- Microbiology-Biopathology internship at «Evangelismos Hospital», Athens Greece, 2000-2004
- Micribiology-Biopathology internship (polythematic specialty) at Paediatric Hospital of Patras «Karamandaneio», 1999- 2000
- Primary care physician service at General Hospital of Pyrgos,1997-1999
Medical Degree
Medical University of Pecs, Hungary, English program (1990-1996)
Clinical Microbiology and Biopathology at General Hospital «Evangelismos», Athens,Greece (2005)
Postgraduate course in Microbiology and Infection Control in Hospitals by the Hellenic Microbiology Society 2000-present
- Member of Patras Medical Society (1999-2000)
- Member of Athens Medical Society (2000-present)
- Member of Hellenic Microbiological Society (1999-present)
- Member of European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases(ESCMID) (2015-present)
- Certification EN ISO 9001:2015 ,by TUV AUSTRIA, Athens Euroclinic Hospital ,Adults and Children clinic (2015)
- Accreditation Certificate EN ISO 15189:2012,by Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD),Clinical Laboratory of Euroclinic of Athens(2020)
- English
- French
- Italian
- Hungarian
- Molecular detection of resistance mechanisms in rectal specimens compared to conventional culture techniques (12th Panhellenic conference of Infectious Diseases, Athens 2019 ,1st award)
- Hepatitis B markers comparative study in three population groups : multitransfused patients, public hospital employees,prison inmates(13th Panhellenic General Medicine Conference,2001)
Four-year CMV Serologic Profile of Multitransfused Patients (Beta-Thalassemia Major) in Western Greece ( Annual Meeting of the European Hematology Association- Monduzzi publications, pages: 83-86, Florence, Italy, June 2002-The Haematology Journal, vol.3 , supplement 1, , June 2002 )
- Candidemia in Greece: results from a 10-year nation-wide survey.
(31st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases,9-12 July 2021).
- Retrospective epidemiological study of respiratory tract infection in children using Automated Multianalyte Maripoc System (AMMS).
(21st ESCV, Athens, Greece, 23-26 September 2018).
- Investigation of respiratory infections with the Film array RP in adults and children.
(21st ESCV, Athens, Greece, 23-26 September 2018).
- Investigation of respiratory infections with the Film array PCR in adults and children .
(1st Syndromic testing, Barcelona, Spain, May 2018).
- A 3-year retrospective study of bacterial spectrum and antimicrobial resistance in patients with bacteremia. ( 26th ECCMID Amsterdam, Netherlands, 9-12 April 2016).
- Prevalence of bacterial pathogens isolated from soft tissue infections and their antimicrobial susceptibility profiles. (26th ECCMID Amsterdam, Netherlands, 9-12 April 2016).
- Total IgE Immunoglobulin in Thalassemic patients in southwest Greece
(8th European Congress, International Society of Blood Transfusion,3-7 July 2003,Istanbul,Turkey)
- Medical and social effectiveness of vaccination for hepatitis B in multitransfused thalassemic patients in southwest Greece
(Annual Meeting of ESSOP, 25-28 September 2002, Spetses island, Greece)
- Four-year CMV Serologic Profile of Multitransfused Patients (Beta-Thalassemia Major) in Western Greece
(7th Congress of the European Haematology Association,6-9 June 2002, Florence, Italy)