- Director, Vascular Surgery Department
- Postgraduate Degree – PhD in vascular surgery
- Endovascular surgery training in University Medical Center of Groningen
Specialty Areas & Research Interest
Specialty Areas
- Endovascular surgery of arterial and aortic diseases
- Endovenous surgery of varicose veins (Laser, RFA, sclerotherapy)
- Less invasive treatment of vascular diseases
Research Interest
- Fenestrated and branched technique for the less invasive treatment of pararenal and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms
- Carotid artery disease
Professional Experience
Medical Degree
9/1989–6/1995: Medical School of the University of Thessalonica – Medical License 12/10/1995.
- 11/1998-11/2000: training in General Surgery for two years in the A’ Surgery Clinic of the 401 GMHA
- 11/2000-11/2001: training in General Surgery for one year in the A’ Surgery Clinic of University of Athens in “Laiko” Hospital under the direction of Professor Elia Mpastouni.
- 12/2001-3/2006: training in vascular surgery for four years in the A’ Surgery Clinic of University of Athens in “Laiko” Hospital under the direction of Professor Elia Mpastouni.
- 5/2006: Vascular Surgeon after participating in oral, written and clinical exams (3268/24-5-2006 decision of Athens Prefecture).
Endovascular Fellow at the Vascular Surgery Clinic of the University of Groningen, Netherlands, under the guidance of Pr. Verhoeven. Training in endovascular surgery, the minimally invasive endovascular technique of Fenestrated – Branched pararenal and thoracoabdominal aneurysms, as well as the new method of less invasive treatment of varicose veins by Radio Frequency Ablation under local anesthesia. Performing a large number of intravascular procedures, in particular interventions for abdominal and thoracic aortic aneurysms, RFA ablation in varicose interventions and classic vascular surgery.
- Doctorate of Medicinetitled: “Contribution in the study of Ve-Cadherin (Vascular Endothelial Cadherin) in the atheromatic carotid plaque”, in the A’ Surgical Clinic of National and Kapodistriako University of Athens (2001-2005). 18/5/2005 with degree “excellent” (Ph.D. degree).
- Certificate of competence and training in radiation protection (94 / 6.3.2001 (Β216) “Approval of Radiation Protection Regulations”, 1.1.7e) Greek Atomic Energy Commission, 16/10/2017.
- Graduation ATLS from American College of Surgeons – Greek Department – Course: Advanced Trauma Life Support.
- Clarivein workshop on venous disease, Prague, Czech, December 2016.
- HANDS-ON WORKSHOP on VENOUS DISEASE, Limassol, Cyprus, November 2014.
- Ovation Prime Abdominal Stent Graft Live-Case Workshop, Bad Bevensen, Germany, August 2013.
- Anaconda Workshop. The Education Centre, Royal Derby Hospital, September 2010.
- Training Institute of the Public Management Department. 70-hour training program on Health Services Management for Public Administration Executives, March 2007, Athens.
- Vocational Training Center of the Hellenic Institute of Occupational Health and Safety (EL.INYAE). 30-hour training program for occupational health issues, November 2006, Athens.
- Computer Training Program (OAED): “Automation and Organization of a Medical Office with the use of PC”, learning Windows 98, Microsoft-Word-Excel-PowerPoint 2000, and a program “Telematics and Internet” Telemedicine, May-June 2001, Athens.
- Bachelor of Hyperbaric – Diving Medicine 1998, Athens.
- Preventive Medicine in Nuclear and Biological War, 1996, Athens.
- Best Announcement Award at the 16th Panhellenic Congress of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 3-5 March 2017, Athens, for the announcement: Aortic aneurysm and horseshoe kidney aneurysm. Classical or endovascular treatment?
- Best Announcement Award at the 15th Panhellenic Congress of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, March 31-April 2, 2016, Athens, for the announcement: Presentation of 2 complex cases of patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm treated hybrid.
- 3ο reward of better oral announcement in the XIV Greek Congress of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, 13-16 March 2014, Athens, Greece, for the announcement: Fenestrated and branched endovascular repair of juxtarenal abdominal and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms
- Scholarship in 2008 from the General Staff of Army, for education in endovascular surgery for (1) year in the Vascular Department of the University Medical Center of Groningen in Netherland under the supervision of the Chief of Endovascular department Dr. L. Verhoeven.
- Reward of better oral announcement in the XII Congress of the Mediterranean League of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, 22-26 May 2002, Paphos, Cyprus, for the announcement: Aneurysms of the extracranial carotid artery: Twenty – year experience.
- English
- French
- Dutch
- Endovascular laser treatment of incompetent saphenous veins using the 1470 nm diode laser and radial fiber. Vourliotakis G, Sahsamanis G, Evagelidis P, Aivatidi C. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2017 Dec 7;25:12-16. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2017.12.002. eCollection 2018 Jan.
- Primary stenting of right sided subclavian artery stenosis presenting as subclavian steal syndrome. Report of three cases and literature review. Sahsamanis G, Vourliotakis G, et al. Ann Vasc Surg. 2018 Feb 5. pii: S0890-5096(18)30071-2. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2017.11.033. [Epub ahead of print]
- Fenestrated stent-graft after previous open surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm: case report and review of the current literature. Vourliotakis GD, Sahsamanis G, et al. Open J Clin Med Case Rep: Volume 3 (2017).
- Endovascular Treatment of Infrarenal Isolated Abdominal Aortic Dissection with Application of the Kissing Stents Technique: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.
Sahsamanis G, Vourliotakis G, et al. Ann Vasc Dis. 2017 Sep 25;10(3).
- Fenestrated and Branched Stent Grafting in Complex Aneurysmatic Aortic Disease: A Single-Center Early Experience. Vourliotakis GD, et al. Ann Vasc Surg. 2016 Nov 24.
- Endovascular Treatment of Type Ib Endoleak after Evar Using the IBD Device: A Case Report. Vourliotakis G, Theodoridis PG, et al. Ann Vasc Dis. 2016;9(3):209-212.
- Large isolated internal iliac artery aneurysm. Vourliotakis G, Kantounakis I, et al. Intern Med. 2015;54(8):983-4.
- Rare Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in Marfan’s Pathology. Solakis EP, Theodoridis PG, Vourliotakis GD, Tzilalis VD. Intern Med. 2015;54(9):1157-8.
- A modified technique for Gore Excluder limb deployment in difficult iliac anatomy during endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Vourliotakis G, Katsargyris A, Tielliu IF, Zeebregts CJ, Verhoeven EL. Vascular. 2014 Mar 25. [Epub ahead of print]
- Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome: a common cause of a rare clinical entity–critical leg ischemia in the young.
Tsilogianni Z, Grapatsas K, Papanikolaou Z, Kokkini-Paschou A, Tsantilas A, Tsiligiris V, Vourliotakis G. Mil Med. 2014 Jan;179(1):e124-6. - Endovascular treatment for isolated acute abdominal aortic dissection. Kouvelos GN, Vourliotakis G, Arnaoutoglou E, Papa N, Avgos S, Peroulis M, Papadopoulos G, Matsagkas MI. J Vasc Surg . 2013 Jul 3. [Epub ahead of print]
- Endovascular reconstruction of iliac artery bifurcation atherosclerotic disease with the kissing technique.
Vourliotakis G, Mantas G, Katsargyris A, Aivatidi C, Kandounakis Y. Vascular. 2013 Mar 14. [Epub ahead of print] - Unusual collateral vein circulation and vena cava aplasia. Vourliotakis G, Tzilalis VD, Patouras P, Tsiligiris V. Intern Med. 2011;50(18):2049-50.
- Use of an amplatzer vascular plug in embolization of a pulmonary artery aneurysm in a case of hughes-stovin syndrome: a case report. Tzilalis VD, Vourliotakis G, Tsironis IA, Tsiligiris VD, Brountzos EN. J Med Case Reports. 2011 Sep 1;5(1):425.
- Iliac branched device implantation in tortuous iliac anatomy after previous open ruptured aortic aneurysm repair.
Vourliotakis G, Bracale U, Sondakh A, Tielliu IF, Prins T, Verhoeven EL.J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2011 Jul 19. [Epub ahead of print] - Results of Endovascular Repair of TAAA in the First 50 Patients. Verhoeven E, Tielliu IF, Zeebregts CJ, Bekkema F, Vourliotakis G, Ritter W, Zipfel B, Renner H.Zentralbl Chir. 2011 Jul 15.[Epub ahead of print]
- Oxidative stress during abdominal aortic aneurysm repair – Biomarkers and antioxidant’s protective effect: a review. Aivatidi C, Vourliotakis G, Georgopoulos S, Sigala F, Bastounis E, Papalambros E. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2011;15(3):245-252.
- Urgent endovascular management of a subclavian artery trauma after a gunshot injury. Tzilalis VD, Vourliotakis G, Pirgakis KM, Tsiliggiris V. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010 May 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- Hybrid endograft solution for complex iliac anatomy: zenith body and excluder limbs. Bos WT, Tielliu IF, Sondakh AO, Vourliotakis G, Bracale UM, Verhoeven EL. Vascular. 2010 May-Jun;18(3):136-40.
- Stent fractures in the Hemobahn/Viabahn stent graft after endovascular popliteal aneurysm repair. Tielliu IF, Zeebregts CJ, Vourliotakis G, Bekkema F, van den Dungen JJ, Prins TR, Verhoeven EL. J Vasc Surg. 2010 Apr 10.
- Fenestrated Stent Grafting for Short-necked and Juxtarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: An 8-Year Single-centre Experience. Verhoeven EL, Vourliotakis G, Bos WT, Tielliu IF, Zeebregts CJ, Prins TR, Bracale UM, van den Dungen JJ. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2010 Mar 2. [Epub ahead of print]
- Endovascular management of an arteriovenous malformation using an occluder stent graft. Vourliotakis G, Xanthopoulos D, Arnaoutoglou HM, Michalis LK, Matsagas MI. Vascular. 2009 Nov-Dec;17(6):336-9.
- Mortality of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm with selective use of endovascular repair. VERHOEVEN EL, KAPMA MR, BOS WT, VOURLIOTAKIS G, BRACALE UM, BEKKEMA F, VAHL AC, Van Den DUNGEN JJ. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2009 Oct;50(5):587-93. Review.
- Thoracic endovascular aortic repair for aortobronchial or aortoesophageal fistulas: permanent or temporary salvage or not an option at all? Verhoeven EL, Vourliotakis G. J Endovasc Ther. 2009 Aug;16(4):441-2.
- Intraoperative salvage of a renal artery occlusion during fenestrated stent grafting. Vourliotakis G, Blanch M, Zeebregts CJ, Cohen T, Prins TR, Verhoeven EL. J Vasc Surg. 2009 Dec;50(6):1481-3. Epub 2009 Aug 12.
- Fenestrated and branched endograft repair of juxtarenal aneurysms after previous open aortic reconstruction.
Beck AW, Bos WT, Vourliotakis G, Zeebregts CJ, Tielliu IF, Verhoeven EL. J Vasc Surg. 2009 Jun;49(6):1387-94. - Fenestrated stent-grafting after previous endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Vourliotakis G, Bos WT, Beck AW, Van Den Dungen JJ, Prins TR, Verhoeven EL. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2009 May 19. [Epub ahead of print]
- Malondialdehyde as an indicator of oxidative stress during abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Papalambros E, Sigala F, Georgopoulos S, Paraskevas KI, Andreadou I, Menenakos X, Sigalas P, Papalambros AL, Vourliotakis G, Giannopoulos A, Bakoyiannis C, Bastounis E. Angiology. 2007 Aug-Sep;58(4):477-82.
- Infected femoral artery pseudoaneurysm in drug addicts: the beneficial use of the internal iliac artery for arterial reconstruction. Klonaris C, Katsargyris A, Papapetrou A, Vourliotakis G, Tsiodras S, Georgopoulos S, Giannopoulos A, Bastounis E. J Vasc Surg. 2007 Mar;45(3):498-504. Epub 2007 Jan 24.
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in patients with end stage renal disease. Bakoyiannis CN, Vourliotakis G, Georgopoulos SH, Klonaris CN, Skrapari IC, Felekouras EL, Bastounis EA. Acta Chir Belg. 2006 May-Jun;106(3):341-3.
- Heregulin, cysteine rich-61 and matrix metalloproteinase 9 expression in human carotid atherosclerotic plaques: relationship with clinical data. Sigala F, Georgopoulos S, Papalambros E, Chasiotis D, Vourliotakis G, Niforou A, Kotsinas A, Kavantzas N, Patsouris E, Gorgoulis VG, Bastounis E. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2006 Sep;32(3):238-45.
- Primary aortoduodenal fistula without abdominal aortic aneurysm in association with psoas abscess. Klonaris C, Vourliotakis G, Katsargyris A, Tsiodras S, Bastounis E. Ann Vasc Surg. 2006 Jul;20(4):541-3.
- Lower extremity bypass procedures in diabetic patients with end-stage renal disease: is it worthwhile? Georgopoulos S, Filis K, Vourliotakis G, Bakoyannis C, Papapetrou A, Klonaris C, Papalambros E, Bastounis E. Nephron Clin Pract. 2005;99(2):c37-41.
- Changes in circulating levels of vascular endothelial growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 after carotid endarterectomy. Papalambros E, Georgopoulos S, Sigala F, Vourliotakis G, Chrisostomidis G, Venetsanou K, Hadjoulis G, Felekouras E, Bastounis E. Int J Mol Med. 2004 Jul;14(1):133-6.
- Vascular endothelial cadherin expression in human carotid atherosclerotic plaque and its relationship with plaque morphology and clinical data. Sigala F, Vourliotakis G, Georgopoulos S, Kavantzas N, Papalambros E, Agapitos M, Bastounis E. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2003 Nov;26(5):523-8.
- Open treatment versus endovascular repair for aortic abdominal aneurysm-keeping the balance. Bos W, Cohen T, Vourliotakis G, van Sambeek M, Verhoeven E. Ann Vasc Dis. 2009;2(2):95-9.
- Acute Upper Extremity ischemia due to hematoma compression after physiotherapy. Klonaris C, Katsargyris A, Vourliotakis G, Georgopoulos S, Liasis N, Bakoyiannis C. Chirurgia. 2006;19:275-278.
- Oxidative Stress and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Georgios Vourliotakis, Christine Aivatidi. Systems Biology of Free Radicals and Antioxidants, pp 1405-1422, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014.
- Thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA): branched and fenestrated grafts are the safest options? Controversies and updates in vascular surgery. C.J. Zeebregts, I.F.J. Tielliu, J.J.A.M. van den Dungen, T.R. Prins, W.T.G.J. Bos, A.O. Sondakh, H. Alkefaji, F. Bekkema, G. Vourliotakis, E.L.G. Verhoeven. Editors: Becquemin, Alimi YS, Gerard JL, Edizioni Minerva Medica, Paris, 2009; 39:257-63.
International Angiology
- (Vol 23 March 2004. Suppl. 1 to issue No1, 120): «Arterial complications in intravenous drug abusers» (C. Klonaris, G. Vourliotakis et al).
- (Vol 27 June 2008. Suppl. 1 to issue No3, 125): «Hybrid operations in the management of patients with critical limb ischemia due to complex multifocal peripheral arterial disease» (G. Kouvelos, D. Xanthopoulos, G. Vourliotakis et al).
- (Vol 33 April 2014. Suppl. 1 to issue No2, 14): «Fenestrated and branched endovascular repair of juxtarenal abdominal and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms» ( G. Vourliotakis, V. Tzilalis et al).
- (Vol 33 April 2014. Suppl. 1 to issue No2, 21): «Thoracoscopic sympathectomy on T2 as a treatment for primary palmar hyperhidrosis – initial experience of a vascular surgery department» ( V. Tzilalis, L. Kalampalikis, G. Vourliotakis, et al).
- (Vol 33 April 2014. Suppl. 1 to issue No2, 21): «Primary endovascular treatment for single lesions of infrarenal aorta» ( V. Tzilalis, C. Tzerkezis, G. Vourliotakis, et al).
Vascular Surgery Department
Athens Euroclinic
7-9 Athanasiadou Street, Athens 115 21
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