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Head of the 3rd Cardiology Dept.


  • Head of the 3rd Cardiology Dept.
  • PhD, Medical School of National Kapodistrean University of Athens
  • Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology
  • Specialist in Novel Echocardiographic Techniques-Stress Echocardiography-Transesophageal Echocardiography
  • Interventional Cardiologist, in Charge of the Pacemaker and ICDs Implantation Dept., Hemodynamic Lab. Euroclinic of Athens
  • Elected President of the Echocardiography Working Group, Hellenic Society of Cardiology
  • Elected President of the Society of Out-Hospital Medicine

Specializations & Research and Clinical Focus


  • Specialist in conventional Echocardiography
  • Specialist in Novel Echocardiographic Techniques-Stress Echocardiography-Transesophageal Echocardiography.
  • Interventional Cardiology
  • Pacemaker and ICDs implantation-clinical electrophysiology.

 Research and Clinical Focus

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Endothelial dysfunction
  • Oxidative Stress-Oxidized LDL Cholesterol
  • Lipid disorders
  • Acute Coronary Syndromes
  • Stable Coronary Artery disease
  • Percutaneous Coronary Interventions
  • Echocardiography
  • Stress Echocardiography
  • Heart Valve Disease
  • Heart Failure
  • Cardiomyopathies
  • Hypertension
  • Arrhythmias
  • Pacemaker-ICD implantations
  • Pericardial Diseases
  • Epidemiology-Statistics-Maths

Professional Experience

  • Medical centre of Argalasti, National Health System, Volos, 11/1993-7/1995
  • Internal Medicine Dept., Psychiatric Hospital of Attica, 07/1995 – 07/1997
  • 1st Cardiology Dept., “Evangelismos” Hospital Athens, 09/1997 – 09/2001
  • Cardiologist, SOS Out of Hospital Medical Service 2001 – 2007
  • Consultant Cardiology, 1st cardiology Dept. Euroclinic of Athens, 9/2002 – 5/2004
  • Interventional Cardiologist in Charge of the Pacemaker Implantation Dept., Central Clinic of Athens 2004-2010
  • Consultant Cardiologist, Echocardiography Lab. Euroclinic of Athens , 6/2004 – 5/2010
  • Head of the 3rd Cardiology Dept. Euroclinic of Athens, 01/6/2010 – today

  • Degree of Medicine, Medical School , Aristotelean University of Thessaloniki (1985-1991).
  • Postgraduate Course in Biomedical Technology, Medical School , Aristotelean University of Thessaloniki (1991-1992).
  • Laboratory of Pharmacology, Medical School of National Kapodistrean University of Athens (1994-95)
  • Cardiology, Evangelismos Hospital Greece Athens (1997-2001)
  • Novel Echocardiographic Techniques-Stress Echocardiography-Transesophageal Echocardiography (Onasseion Cardiothoracic Center 2005).
  • Interventional Cardiology (Hemodynamic Dept. Evangelismos Hospital Greece, 2002-2005).
  • Pacemaker and ICDs implantation-clinical electrophysiology (1st Cardiology Dept. Evangelismos Hospital Greece, 2001-Dec 2003).
  • Intravascular Ultrasound IVUS-Invasive Cardiology. Centres of Excellence, Hospital Gregorio Maranon, Madrid July 2006.
  • Clinical electrophysiology. Workshop Rhythmologie, 11/2006, Wirsberg, Germany.
  • 3D echocardiography. IAMU courses-Cardiovascular Ultrasound: 4D&Multidimensional Imaging, Prague Nov. 2008
  • ICDs implantation-clinical electrophysiology. (2nd Cardiology Dept. Evangelismos Hospital Greece, 2009-2010).
  • Metanalysis of epidemiological Studies. A course in Medical School of National Kapodistrean University of Athens, June 2019.
  • European Cardiologist Diploma.
  • Accreditation in Transthoracic Echocardiography, by European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI), European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
  • Accreditation in Transesophageal Echocardiography, by European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI), European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
  • Accreditation in Pacemaker and ICD implantation, by European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
  • Accreditation in Advanced Life Support (ALS) Provider, by European Resuscitation Council.
  • Certificate of attendance and proficiency in radiation protection issues in Hemodynamic Lab., by Greek Atomic Energy Committee, Athens May 2016.
  • Scholarship for Clinical Research in Cardiology (2001-2002), by Hellenic Cardiology Society
  • Elected President of the Echocardiography Working Group, Hellenic Society of Cardiology (2020)
  • Elected President of the Society of Out-Hospital Medicine (2020)
  • More than 200 Lectures or Chairmanships as invited speaker or chairman in various domestic or international Cardiology Congresses
  • Reviewer on regular intervals since 2008 for the Journals  Atherosclerosis, Clinical Cardiology και Hellenic Journal of Cardiology, and sporadically for Heart, Eur Heart J, Case Reports in Critical Care, Saudi Medical and Medical Principles and Practice.
  • Log book Reviewer for the Accreditation in Transthoracic Echocardiography and Accreditation in Transesophageal Echocardiography, assigned by the European Association of Echocardiography, ESC
  • Abstract Reviewer for the European Society of Cardiology Congresses, assigned by the European Society of Cardiology
  • As part of Research Teams, i have won 4 awards for clinical research studies during the Annual Greek Cardiology Congresses, 2001, 2003, 2005, and 2007:
  1. Our study entitled “A new TDI – index in patients with coronary artery disease”, published in Hellenic Journal of Cardiology:42:suppl.Β/2001, no.37 2001, was presented in the annual Greek Congress of Cardiology 2001, and was awarded  the 3rd prize.
  2. Our study “Atherosclerosis of Carotid arteries and Femoral arteries: which one is more strongly related to the severity of coronary artery atherosclerosis?” was presented in the annual Greek Congress of Cardiology 2003, and was awarded the 2nd prize.
  3. Our paper entitled “ Oxidative stress and oxidized LDL cholesterol in acute coronary syndromes: relationship with inflammation and the impact on in-hospital prognosis” was presented in the annual Greek Congress of Cardiology 2005, and was awarded the 2nd prize.
  4. Our study entitled “Efficacy and safety of multiple drug eluting stents implantations on Everyday clinical practice . A single center series with midterm clinical follow-up” was presented in the Interventional Cardiovascular Education 2007, and was awarded the 2nd prize.
  • Our paper “ Prevalence and potential mechanisms of sustained ventricular arrythmias during dobutamine stress echocardiography: a literature review” J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2008:21:1376 was cited by the very well known book UpToDate 2009 (literature reference).
  • Our paper: Karabinos I, Rouska E, Charokopos N A primary cardiac paraganglioma. Eur Heart J. 2012 Mar;33(6):790. was chosen to be the front page of the relevant Eur Heart Journal issue
  • Horonary Praise by the Hellenic Society of Cardiology for authorship of the textbook “Echocardiography Doppler DVD” (2013)
  • “Heart Failure: Questions and Answers. DVD echo cases». A kranidis, I Paraskevaidis, I Karabinos, Medical Editions J Parisianos, Athens, June 2014.
  • “Echocardiography-Doppler DVD» A Kranidis, I Karabinos, Medical Editions Paschalidis, Athens 2007.
  • In the book “Imaging in cardiovascular diseases” by A Kranidis, I Paraskevaidis, Medical Editions, Athens 2011, authorhip of the chapters entitled ”Acute coronary artery disease”  “Chronic coronary artery disease” “Invasive Cardiology”.
  • “SABISTON-SPENCER- Thorax and Heart Surgery” Medical Editions Paschalidis, Athens 1999.
  • “THE MEDICAL CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA 7th/1995 – Antimicrobial Therapy ΙΙ”, Vol:4, Medical Editions Althayia, Athens 1995.
  • “THE MEDICAL CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA 9th/1995 – Contemporary Cardiological Issues” Vol:5, chapters 6-12, Medical Editions Althayia, Athens 1995.
  • “THE MEDICAL CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA 12th/1995 – Pediatric Nephrology” Vol:6, chapters 1-2, Medical Editions Althayia, Athens 1995.