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Contact IPS

The IPS coordinators will assist international patients and their relatives all the way through their hospitalization (before, during and after treatment) so at to ensure that professional care and prompt support are provided.

You may contact the International Patient Services Department of EUROCLINIC GROUP of Hospitals, at the following contact details:

T: +30 210 6416 185 / +30 210 6416 840 / +30 210 6416 188
F: +30 210 6416 186
M: +30 698 6324 677 / +30 698 5050 610
E: ips@euroclinic.gr

Euroclinic Athens
Αthanasiadou 9 and D. Soutsou
115 21 Athens
Telephone Center: +30 210 6416000
Fax: +30 210 6416 555
E-mail: info@euroclinic.gr

Euroclinic Children’s Hospital
Αthanasiadou 7-9 and D. Soutsou
115 21 Athens
Telephone Center: +30 210 6416000